Schools and Faculties Offering Programmes in English Regulations for teaching in English in the degrees of the University of A Coruña Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Bachelor Degree in Economics Faculty of Law Bachelor Degree in Law Faculty of Philology Bachelor Degree in English Philology Master in Advanced English Studies and its Applications Faculty of Sciences Bachelor Degree in Biology Bachelor Degree in Chemistry Faculty of Computer Science Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering Master Degree in High Performance Computing Ferrol Engineering Polytechnic University College Master Degree in Complex Materials Erasmus Mundus Master Degree Sustainable Ship and Shipping 4.0 Higher Technical University College of Civil Engineering Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering Technology Master of Science in Civil Engineering Higher Technical University College of Maritime and Naval Machines Bachelor Degree i...
Master Taught in English at URV: Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Dirección y Gestión de Empresas (MBA) Dirección y Gestión de Empresas (MBA) Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Energy Erasmus Mundus Master in Sustainable Catalysis (SuCat) International Markets International Master on Wine Tourism Innovation (WINTOUR) Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology at the Frontier Nutrition and Metabolism Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design Befor e beginning the process, you should decide which URV’s master’s degree you are most interested in. To do so, consult the master’s degree offer . In the description of each master’s degree you will find information about content, professional opportunities and the various tracks that can be followed. Please contact the coordinator if you have any doubts. Do you fulfil the entrance requirements? Generally speaking, all students with an undergraduate degree or equivalent are eligible...